Our Terms & Conditions in Relation to the Covid-19 Pandemic – Cattery Covid Policy Updated March 2021
The Covid Regulations during the pandemic have changed how we are able to operate both as a cattery, and as a business. We have therefore had to implement a ‘cattery covid policy’ with regards to the Suma Farm bookings and operating procedures. All bookings made with us, going forward, will be in accordance to these Terms and Conditions.
Covid restrictions have placed a limit on the number of rooms we are able to offer to clients. This is partly due to the number of trained and qualified staff we must have on duty at one time. Because of this, (amongst other reasons) a non-refundable and non-transferrable deposit of 20% (or a minimum of £20 if less) will now be required. This is due within five days of making the reservation, or the room will be released. This deposit will hold the room for your cat(s) until the full boarding fee is due, 21 days prior to the start of the booking.
We unfortunately cannot accept ‘provisional’ bookings without a deposit.
Covid will not be accepted as a cancellation term if our service to you is unaffected. As customers are aware of the risks of cancellation at the time of booking, and/or a potential change to the current UK lockdown plan, our standard cancellation policy stands.
Within 14 days prior to the commencement of the booking:
Should the reservation be amended or cancelled for any reason other than new local/UK lockdown measures, or other UK Governmental restrictions which prevent us from providing a service to you, the boarding fee is payable and non-refundable.
Suma Farm Cat Hotel is a business that has not been required to close during any previous lockdown measures. We can provide you with an invoice for insurance purposes.
Our Covid Cattery Policy will remain in place until further notice.
Many thanks for your understanding during this time. We look forward to ‘normality’ resuming and a busy summer in the cattery.